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joblesshobo • 1 year ago

Okay now I understand why you guys said Gundam show will always be depressing.

Happy birthday Elan. I guess Suletta got ghosted that day. Quite literally.

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

War in The Pocket: "First time?"

Kirito • 1 year ago

I swear guel will have this incredible character development throughout this series he's like the real mc kinda

Albedio • 1 year ago

poor thing.when he acted like a jerk,he had his father's support.but when he loses he gets kicked out of the household.way to teach ur kids the right values.

Adhi Darmawan Sutjiadi • 1 year ago

hopefully he will not become Iok Kujan Mk.II

Anonymous User • 1 year ago

And also probably die as well by the way things are going...

Keltarian • 1 year ago

They might be young for that. Instead...
Iron Blooded Orphans: "First Time?"

Erikthonius • 1 year ago

Until you realized that majority of MC Gundam pilots are child soldiers

Keltarian • 1 year ago

True...but I meant that may of our fellow watchers may be to young to get "War in the Pocket"

strayfe • 1 year ago

It's just a bunch of hamburger

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Gundam Seed: Flay: Am I a Joke?

Al Borland • 1 year ago

Sadly this ones a lot more bland that WitP.
I really wont feel bad for anyone who gets hamburgered in this. Characters seem bland, suits are ugly.

Blaise • 4 months ago

No gundam has ever come close to hitting as hard as War in the Pocket.

Avan Strash • 1 year ago

V Gundam: noobs

ERIK LEROUGEUH • 1 year ago

if the new elan clone born the same day, it will be his birthday too
by the way , you could watch
we saw suletta singing happy birthday at 4years old in looking her spacestatino explosing...

Fujiwara H. • 1 year ago

half correct. it was a lot worse. her dad started singing happy birthday and they sang together while he made the ultimate sacrifice.

SmerkABerl • 1 year ago

The elan body doubles are not clones.

Kirito • 1 year ago

When we saw the real elan I was shock and this anime got interesting

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

New to the series? :p

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Oh it is just but the start of it.

Just a passing by bear • 1 year ago

Sometimes Scifi is really messed-up

Albedio • 1 year ago

what?2 elans?also,did they just kill him at the end?will suletta ever know?how will they explain his disappearance??or will the other him take over him?

Bloodyraven54 • 1 year ago

to be fair mans is probably a ghost now lol

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Got vaporized my guy.

BoogieWoogie • 1 year ago

We've all been there man.

InspiredWaifu • 1 year ago

Welcome to Gundam where everybody gets killed off

choicho • 1 year ago

depressing? that was horrifying

floor tank • 1 year ago

Welcome !

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Love how Guel is just camping out after being kicked out of the dorms.

Man, that ending was heavy. Really sad to see “Elan” disposed of right after he’d just made a meaningful personal connection. Guessing they’re going to send in an identical replacement for him who will treat Suletta like a stranger.

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

I never expected him to camp outside. I thought he would stay in one of the dorms lol

Kirito • 1 year ago

Actually that's a really neat life just a camp in the woods sitting there watching a Gundam fight while drinking a coffee yeah what a simple life

I11110 • 1 year ago

Writers failure - space installations should have each gram and centimeter under control due to transportation and sustainability costs/complexity but there they just allow homeless squatters to be around.

Most logical if his father keeps paying tuition to consider him part of the house and keep living where he was. Or how it works there, dorms (on a space installation owned by a single entity, where everything should be under their control) somehow are paid separately?

Kirito • 1 year ago

This is just his punishment for disobeying his orders

I11110 • 1 year ago

And installation owners/operators are fine with the situation where they get stinky homeless hanging on the grounds? Also it doesn't seems that he got wardrobe inside of that tent.
Probably writers just forgot that being a homeless not a 2-day field trip.

Actually, yes, it seemingly paid separately. Otherwise, the Earth House students probably wouldn't live in what's a mix of an abandoned warehouse with an animal pen, and everyone would live in equally adequate standard quarters. Also, they state that the HOUSE (not simply the dorm) BELONGS to each family/corporation and NOT the school. That makes sense when you realize that all the personnel that supports each House and their students (aside from when they are students themselves) and also any equipment necessary for their activities at school (as seen by the whole budget situation that the earth house went through to build Sulleta's a booster pack) it's provided by their own corporation. In hindsight, it's probably because they pay for it that Miorine can get away with owning a personal and isolated greenhouse within school grounds, where she can grow tomatoes or do whatever she wants, even when that doesn't seen to contribute to the school in return at all.

Also, They probably have no choice BUT to be okay with it (assuming they even care) and treat Guel according to his father's demands. Considering that the school is owned and managed by the Benerit Group, which IDs and hierarchizes students based on the corporation they originated from and their position within the Group. That also directly determines how school staff treats each student, as seen by how little they cared about the constant sabotage suffered by earth house during their evaluations.

As such, considering the nefarious behavior of the corporations in the show, it's easy to assume that failing to keep with company standards in that or any regard would equal termination from said company, or maybe something worst, considering the lengths they are willing to go to achieve their goals. And if even being the SON OF THE CEO can't protect you from that, what chance does the "little guy" who cleans the school grounds has?

I11110 • 1 year ago

>Actually, yes, it seemingly paid separately.Otherwise, the Earth House students probably wouldn't live in what's a mix of an abandoned warehouse with an animal pen, and everyone would live in equally adequate standard quarters.

That overall actually good point and I think it is another writers failure from technical point of view.

Space installation need to be designed with necessary life-support systems just for people inside survive the hostile outside environment. Therefore building standard living quarters matching in numbers facility designed life support capacity is a very logical step, which also drive down construction and maintenance costs.

Earth house situation seems just desperate writers trick to underscore their hardships and inequality. Same stanadart quarters would not worked so obviously - if everyone dresses in the same uniform, and lives in the same quarters the question "what's the difference between rich spacenoids and poor earthnoids?" would be hard to answer and lampshaded class antagonism between those 2 factions would've looked even more forced.

Animal pens on a space station is even more weird - livestock consume quite a lot resources for raising, it just wasteful activity for a space installation. So it sole presence in show seems to be to show Earth House humiliated status. Also that they share the same building , which is somehow shared agriculture/maintenance/storage area are illogical too. Agriculture requires certain level of temperature, presence of air and water, while storage and vehicle maintenance doesn't go well with humidity so they better be well separated to avoid corrosion and spoilage.

Gustav Kuriga • 1 year ago

You're assuming a station that isn't self-sufficient, on top of lacking widespread and relatively cheap transportation. Basically you're assuming current day levels of tech and a relatively small station without the capacity for producing its own food/water. Neither of which is the case.

I11110 • 1 year ago

They not seems to be running self-sufficient operation judging by design of station - from showers to raising hay-fed livestock onboards.
Transpiration (both cargo and passenger) also seems to be done by manually-piloted chemically-powered ships - that would be expensive too.
Well, I doubt that show's visual design team given much though to the "sci" part of sci-fi and simply designed locations and mechanics by the rule of cool, not thinking if it would've realistically would've worked.

Albedio • 1 year ago

yeah he could just get a dorm?else where does suletta stay since her home is on another planet?

Kuriyama Nikki • 1 year ago

with his attitude, i dont think he got any friends outside of the people from his dorms who he basically treats like some underlings

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

I'm expecting there's gonna be a lot of character development with him in future episodes.

Berserker • 1 year ago

I mean hes already dead so no more development for him- unless u mean Guel

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

I totally mean Guel

Douglas Stewart • 1 year ago

I wasn't expecting Guel to get freaking yeeted out to the outdoors. At least he's doing well for now.

TELL ME ABOUT IT WITH THAT ENDING! I figured my SulElan ship might not happen because of Miorine and I can take that with a grain of salt. But not like THIS MAN! And I was really liking the guy and his Gundam skills as well!!

Chad_Achilles • 1 year ago

RIP Elan #4

Also, after seeing Aerial being almost sentient in that fight, that crack theory of Eri being Gundam Aerial and Suletta as Eri's clone seems plausible right about now.

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

That’s an interesting theory, and to lend further credence to it, in the conversation at the beginning, not only does Suletta’s mom mention Aerial having had multiple pilots in the past, but Bel also asks if she is seeking “revenge for what happened 21 years ago,” which means Suletta should at least be in her twenties (which she clearly isn’t) if she and Eri were the same person since Eri was present during the events of the prologue.

It would also explain why Suletta’s mom seems to treat her like a tool, if Suletta isn’t actually her original daughter.

Silver Sycle • 1 year ago

I’m not sure about the first part. When did she mention Aerial having multiple pilots? I only see Suletta’s mother teasing her former friend along the lines of ‘I’m fully aware you’re treating humans as disposable and wrecking pilot after pilot for your gundam’.
The second point is interesting though. It could very much be a red herring and actually refer to another event. Unfortunately I don’t remember if there was anyone in the pilot named ‘bel’. But it’s an interesting theory. I wouldn’t say her mother treats her like a tool though, to me she just seems confident in Suletta’s abilities and doesn’t mind if a benefit to her goals comes from her activities at school. The other parents we’ve met so far seem far more blatant in abusing their kids’ lives for their gains.

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Ah, I guess I misread the subs. Seems Suletta’s mom was referring to the Gundam Elan was piloting as having had multiple pilots.

Well, maybe “using as a tool” is a bit much, but if you compare the mom’s attitude toward Eri/Suletta piloting Aerial during the prologue versus here, there’s a notable contrast. Whereas in the prologue, she seemed conflicted when witnessing her daughter controlling Aerial, here she seems to have no issue using Suletta and her skills with Aerial to further her own goals.

Bel is the name of the former friend of Suletta’s mom.

Jaston the FlameMyrmidon • 1 year ago

That contrast is addressed in a short story that chronicles Eri's years between what happened in the prologue and now. While it is weird that they mentioned "21 years," (which I didn't register, so good catch), that story makes it plain that Suletta is Eri.

It also makes it clear that Aerial is alive, as the whole thing is told through its perspective, and includes a scene where Eri's mom explains the plan to Aerial, but doesn't tell Eri... Which also means that the "daughter" she's referring to at the end of that opening is likely Aerial itself, sadly.

Silver Sycle • 1 year ago

I thought I’d add: if you read the subtitles for the full opening song, I’m pretty sure it’s referring to the short story somewhat. It also goes more into the ‘tool’ comment that Judgment526 made. Reading the lyrics it feels like this will be a story about suletta having to chose her own path while being used as a tool for revenge. While the episodes so far don’t make me think her mother is mainly using her, the opening makes me question that. Here’s from the second part of the song (maybe used for the next opening?):
“ This is your life
(it doesn't belong to anyone)
It does not have a correct answer.
(it's a path you choose)
Break the magic spell now.
From the predetermined fiction,
you gotta jump out,
you gotta fly away, now.
With the speed that nobody can catch up,
kick up the ground and soar through the sky.
Cursed and doomed future
can be changed with your hands.”

Yet another reason why I hate that openings/insert songs don’t get subtitled anymore. They are picked for the anime and often made specifically for it, the lyrics are usually relevant to the audience.